
7月20日から始まった夏休み🍉真っ只中の今月も、Kids リビング globalは、学習会を開催中です!





そこでKids リビング globalでは普段から、教科や日本語の学習そのもののサポートはもちろん、今回の夏休みの宿題のような、こどもたちがまだ知らない日本の習慣も伝え、知らないことが少しでも減るようにサポートしています。


在 7 月 20 日开始的暑假🍉中,Kids Living global 本月仍在举办学习班!

孩子们主要学习 "暑假作业"。 📝.


此外,还有 "自由研究🔬"和 "读书报告📚 "等作业,这在日本是标准作业!

不习惯日本学校这种习惯的家庭, 很多家长不知道暑假有很多家庭作业,很多孩子自己也认为只需要做发给他们的作业本就可以了。

因此,在 Kids Living global,我们通常不仅会帮助孩子们学习科目和日语本身,还会帮助他们了解尚未了解的日本风俗习惯,比如这次的暑假作业,以便尽可能减少他们不知道的事情。

我们还在暑假期间帮助孩子们提高 "我能行😀"的能力! ",我们将继续组织学习班 👍。

In the midst of the summer vacation🍉 that started on July 20, Kids Living global is still holding study sessions this month!

Kids are learning mainly about "Summer Vacation Homework". 📝.

Homework assignments from school vary, and in addition to workbook homework, assignments are also sent to each student's computer, which is provided by the school.

There are also homework assignments such as "free research🔬" and "book report📚," which are standard in Japan!

Families who are not used to this kind of custom in Japanese schools, "There is a lot of homework during the summer vacation !!!!" Many parents are unaware of the fact that there is a lot of homework during the summer vacation, and many children themselves think that they only have to do the workbooks that are distributed to them.

Therefore, at Kids Living global, we usually support not only the learning of subjects and Japanese language but also the Japanese customs that children do not know yet, such as this summer vacation homework, so that the number of things they do not know can be reduced.

We hope that the children's "I was able to do it! 😀", we will continue to hold study sessions👍.


キッズドア国際交流センターは、外国ルーツの親子支援を中心とした多文化共生事業を行う施設です。 Kidsdoor International Communication Center provides support and assistance to families from different cultural and language backgrounds.