




We wrote strips of paper and made Tanabata decorations for the Tanabata Festival on July 7.

The wishes of the children of the study group and the parents of the Oyak Café are written on them! 🎋.

They wrote "I want to improve my Japanese," "I want a new game," "I want a good job," "World peace," and many other wishes, not only in Japanese but also in many other languages!

May your wishes come true... 🌟

我们为 7 月 7 日的七夕节写了纸条,做了七夕装饰。

上面写着学习小组的孩子们和家长咖啡馆的家长们的愿望! 🎋.

我想提高日语水平"、"我想玩新游戏"、"我想找到一份好工作"、"世界和平 "等许许多多的愿望不仅用日语写成,还用其他多种语言写成!

愿你的愿望成真...... 🌟


キッズドア国際交流センターは、外国ルーツの親子支援を中心とした多文化共生事業を行う施設です。 Kidsdoor International Communication Center provides support and assistance to families from different cultural and language backgrounds.